

Problem and Spirit of Chinese Philosophy



There are all kinds and conditions of men.  With regard to any one of these kinds, there’s the highest form of achievement of which any one kind of man is capable. For instance, there are the men engaged in practical politics.  The highest form of achievement in that class of men is that of the great statesman. So also in the field of art, the highest form of achievement of which artiests are capable is that of the great artist.



What is the highest form of achievement of which a man as a man is capable? According to the Chinese philosophers, it is nothing less than being a sage, and the highest achievement of a sage is the identification of the individual with the universe.



The problem is, if men want to achieve this identification, do they necessarily have to abandon society or even to negate life?



According to some philosophers, this is necessary.  The Buddha said that life itself is the root and fountainhead of the misery of life.  Likewise, Plato said that the body is the prison of the soul. And some of the Taoists said that life is an excrescence, a tumor, and death is to be taken as the breaking of the tumor.  All these ideas represent a view which entails separation from what may be called the entangling net of sage is to be realized, the sage has to abandon society and even life itself.  Only thus can the final liberation be attained.  This kind of philosophy is what is generally known as “other worldly philosophy.”



There is another kind of philosophy which emphasizes what is in society, such as human relations and human affairs. This kind of philosophy speaks only about moral values, and is unable to or does not wish to speak of the super-moral ones. This philosophy is generally described as “this worldly.”



From the point of view of a this-worldly philosophy, an other world philosophy is too idealistic, is of no practical use and is negative.  From the point of view of an other-worldly philosophy, a this-world philosophy is too realistic, too superficial.



There are many people who say that Chinese philosophy is a this-world philosophy.  It is difficult to state that these people are entirely right or entirely wrong.  Taking a merely superficial view, people who hold this opinion cannot be said to be wrong, because according to their view, Chinese philosophy, regardless of its different schools of thought, is directly or indirectly concerned with government and ethics.  On the surface, therefore, it is concerned chiefly with society, and not with the universe; with the daily function of human relations, not hell and heaven; with man’s present life, but not his life in a world to come. 



From a surface point of view, with the ideal man being of this world, it seems that what Chinese philosophy calls a sage is a person of a view different order from the Buddha of Buddhism and the saints of the Christian religion.  Superficially, this would seem to be especially true of the Confucian sage. 



This however, is only a surface view of the matter.  Chinese philosophy cannot be understood by oversimplification of this kind. So far as the min tenet of its tradition is concerned, if we understand it aright, it cannot be said to be wholly this-worldly, just as , of course, it cannot be said to be wholly other-worldly.  It is both of this world and of the other world.



Chinese philosophy is at one and the same time both extremely idealistic and extremely realistic, and very practical, though not in a superficial way.



This-worldliness and other-worldliness stand in contrast to each other as do realism and idealism.  The task of Chinese philosophy is to accomplish a synthesis out of these antitheses.  That does not mean that they are to be abolished.  They are still there, but they have been made into a synthetic whole.  How can this be done? This is the problem which Chinese philosophy attempts to solve.



According to Chinese philosophy, the man who accomplishes this synthesis, not only in theory but also in deed, is the sage.  He is both this-worldly and other-worldly, The spiritual achievement of the Chinese sage corresponds to the saint’s achievement in Buddhism, and in Western religion.  But the Chinese sage is not one who does not concern himself with the business of the world.  His character is described as one of “sageliness within and kingliness without.” That is to say, in his inner sageliness, he accomplishes spiritual cultivation; in his kingliness without, he functions in society.  It is not necessary that the sage should be the actual head of the government in his society.  From the standpoint of practical politics, for the most part, the sage certainly has no chance of being the head of the state.  The saying “sagliness within and kingliness without” means only that he who has the noblest spirit should, theoretically, be king.  As to whether the actually has or has not the chance of being king, that is immaterial.



Since the character of the sage is, according to Chinese tradition, one of sageliness within and kingliness without, the task of philosophy discusses is what the Chinese philosophers describe as the Tao (Way, or basic principles.) of sageliness within and kingliness without.



According to Confucianism, the daily task of dealing with social affairs in human relations is not something alien to the sage.  Carrying on this task is the very essence of the development of perfection of his personality.  He performs it not only as a citizen of society, but also as a “citizen of the universe.” Or t’ien min, as Mencius called it.  He much be conscious of his being a citizen of the universe, otherwise his deed would not have super-moral value.  If he has the chance to become a king he world gladly serve the people, thus performing his duity both as a citizen of society, and as a citizen of the universe.



Since what is discussed in philosophy is the Tao (way) of sagliness within and kingliness without, it follows that philosophy must be inseparable from political though.  Regardless of the difference between the school of Chinese philosophy, the philosophy of every school represents at the same time, its political though.  This does not mean that in the various schools of philosophy there are not metaphysics, not ethics, no logic.  It means only that all these factors are connected with political thought in one way or another, just as Plato’s Republics represents his whole philosophy and at the same time is his political thought.



Since the subject matter of philosophy is the Tao of sageliness within and kingliness without, the study of philosophy is not simply an attempt to acquire this kind of knowledge, but is also an attempt to develop this kind of character.  Philosophy is not simply something to be know, bu is also something to be experienced.



Chinese philosophers were all of them different grades of Socrates.  This was so because ethics, politics, reflective thinking, and knowledge were unified in the philosopher; in him, knowledge and virtue were one and inseparable.  His philosophy required that his live it; he was himself its vehicle.  To live in accordance with his philosophical convictions was part of his philosophy.  It was his business to school himself continually and persistently to that pure experience in which selfishness and egocentricity were transcended, so that he would be one with the universe. Obviously this process of schooling could not be stopped, for stopping it would mean the emergence of his ego and loss of his universe.  Hence cognitively he was eternally groping, and cognitively he was eternally behaving or trying to behave.  Since these could not be separated, in him there was the synthesis of the philosopher in the original sense of that term.  Like Socrates, he did not keep office hours with his philosophy.  Neither was he a dusty, musty philosopher, closeted in his study, sitting in a chair on the periphery of life.  With him, philosophy was hardly ever merely a pattern of ideas exhibited for human understanding, but was a system of precepts internal to the conduct of philosopher; and in extreme case his philosophy might even be said to be his biography

